Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Few Saved

“I will go as far as anyone in exalting God’s mercy in Christ, but I cannot shut my eyes against the fact that this mercy profits no man so long as it is wilfully refused.

I see nothing wanting, on God’s part, for man’s salvation. I see room in heaven for the chief of sinners. I see willingness in Christ to receive the most ungodly. I see power in the Holy Ghost to renew the most ungodly.

But I see, on the other hand, desperate unbelief in man: he will not believe what God tells him in the Bible. I see desperate pride in man: he will not bow his heart to receive the Gospel as a little child. I see desperate sloth in man: he will not take the trouble to arise and call upon God. I see desperate worldliness in man: he will not loose his hold on the poor perishable things of time, and consider eternity.

In short, I see the words of our Lord continually verified: 'Ye will not come unto Me, that ye might have life' (John 5:40), and therefore I am driven to the sorrowful conclusion that few are likely to be saved.”

Excerpt From: Ryle, J. C. “Old Paths.” iBooks. 
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1 comment:

Paul G said...

Yes brother, we too were once just like them that would not believe or bow to the Lord Jesus Christ. But it was the Lord Jesus who has drawn us by His grace to Himself and has given us life as a free gift so that we would call Him 'Abba Father' and adore and worship Him only.