Thursday, July 24, 2014

In Defense of Israel

Bill Whittle nails it again! Hat-tip,, please click on the link below and watch his latest "Firewall."

Click here, then watch the video:
The Case for Israel

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Illegal Immigration and Mark Zuckerberg

Bill Whittle NAILS IT on what this illegal immigration issue is all about, and the hypocrisy of Mark Zuckerberg and those "limousine liberals" like him. This is a MUST WATCH!

Hat tip, Click on this link, then watch the video: Bill Whittle: Firewall

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Rest and the Cross

“There are degrees of rest for the soul, and it is in proportion as we comprehend the perfection of the work on Calvary that our rest will increase... We are never done with the cross, nor ever shall be. Its wonders will be always new, and always fraught with joy.”

Excerpt From: Bonar, Horatius. “The Everlasting Righteousness.” Monergism Books, 2011-11-05T22:59:54.841000+00:00. iBooks. 
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Monday, July 7, 2014

The Blood

“In the passover-blood, the idea was chiefly that of protection from peril. The lamb stood sentinel at the door of each family; the blood was their 'shield and buckler.' There might be trembling hearts within, wondering perhaps how a little blood could be so efficacious, and make their dwelling so impregnable; disquieted, too, because they could not see the blood, but were obliged to be content with knowing that God saw it (Exo 12:13); yet no amount of fearfulness could alter the potency of that sprinkled blood, and no weakness of faith could make that God-given shield less efficacious against 'the enemy and the avenger.' The blood,-the symbol of substitution,-was on the lintel; and that was enough...

They did not see it, nor feel it; but they knew that it was there, and that sufficed. God saw it, and that was better than their seeing it. They were safe; and they knew that they were so. They could feast upon the lamb in peace, and eat their bitter herbs with thankful joy. They could sing by anticipation the Church's song, 'If God be for us, who can be against us?'

Excerpt From: Bonar, Horatius. “The Everlasting Righteousness.” Monergism Books, 2011-11-05T22:59:54.841000+00:00. iBooks.
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